Has God ever performed a miracle in you, or do you know of someone who has experienced a
miracle? God always has a purpose for what He does on this earth and with us. Look at the
following scriptures:
9. Now a great many of the Jews knew that He was there; and they came, not for Jesus'
sake only, but that they might also see Lazarus, whom He had raised from the dead.
10. But the chief priests plotted to put Lazarus to death also,
11. because on account of him many of the Jews went away and believed in Jesus.
John 12
It was Passover, and the religious authorities were lying in wait to kill Jesus because He was
posing a problem to the religious empire they had built. But they were not satisfied to just kill
Jesus, they wanted Lazarus to not exist either. Why was that? Let's discuss Lazarus and why he
posed a threat to this religious empire.
Lazarus was a friend of Jesus and was a righteous man. He died, but Jesus raised him back to
life. That miracle spread like wildfire. Do you know why? It's because we all need a miracle.
Miracles give hope to those dealing with impossible situations. That is why Jesus' ministry was
filled with miracles. Lazarus became the hope that people needed and pointed the way to Jesus.
If Jesus brought Lazarus from the dead, surely Jesus could do the same for them.
Watching the people look at Lazarus and believing in Jesus as the Christ made the unbelieving
religious authorities so angry they were willing to kill to stop the miraculous from happening.
My friends, Satan does not want miracles to occur, for that shows others the majesty of God.
Your faith brings miracles. Your faith is a threat to the kingdom of darkness. Nothing has
changed in the Spirit in these thousands of years. Miracles still point the way to Jesus. However,
someone has to be the miracle. Are we willing to be the miracle? If we are, we should know
there will be great push-back by the enemy because he does not want others to believe in Jesus
as their Savior and hope.
Think on this today. Would you have been one of those who traveled to Jerusalem to get a
glimpse of Lazarus? If so, would you have believed that the One who gave Lazarus back his life
was God in the flesh and would do the same for you? Are you willing today to be a target of the
enemy and be a walking miracle? The result of miracles always point others to Jesus. Food for